Casey Harvell
I write stuff.

Thought Food

While compiling information for this work, AI was utilized as a tool. It provided a unique objective perspective I would otherwise have been unable to achieve. The result is an unbiased tribute to self-love, self-compassion, and self-empowerment. Yay for technology.
Please note that this book is intended to be used once a day, preferably at the start, with each date provided with a different phrase, resolve, and suggestions able to evolve with its readers. The goal is to inspire peace and empowerment in those who use it.
The ultimate goal is to reprogram how we think (and feel) about ourselves so that we can love ourselves more and reflect that to the world around us.
It doesn’t matter where you begin, pick today’s date inside and continue from there. After your first year, give it another go and see if your perspectives have changed—and find more follow-up ideas at the end.
Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome: A Breakdown

A look into the cycle of Narcissistic Abuse tactics. Knowledge is power and often victims are unaware of what goes on around them until they're too deeply involved. This book is designed to educate victims (and those who care about them) about the situation and how to reclaim themselves once more.